ASA Conference
Architectural Science and User Experience
How can Design Enhance the Quality of Life?
Perth, Australia
01-02 December 2022
03 Dec optional

The Conference
In the context of climate emergency, global pandemic and greater striving for clean and renewable energy resources, the 55th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA) explores the intersections of architecture, building science, and urban design, health and wellbeing with the aim of increasing sustainable quality of life and user experience to make places in which we live more liveable.
Architectural science and design researchers, educators, students, as well as practitioners and policymakers are warmly invited to present and share ideas on innovative, sustainable and resilient design outcomes that will contribute to the betterment of our environment. All papers are double, blind refereed.
The conference is hosted by the School of Design and the Built Environment (DBE), Curtin University, Perth, Australia. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Perth in December 2022.
Dr Francesco Mancini and Dr Tanja Glusac - Co-Chairs of the Organising Committee.
Dr Parisa Izadpanahi - Chair of the Executive Scientific Committee.
We respectfully acknowledge the Elders and custodians of the Whadjuk Nyungar nation, past and present, their descendants and kin. The Curtin University Bentley Campus enjoys the privilege of being located on the site where the Derbal Yerrigan (Swan River) and the Djarlgarra (Canning River) meet. The area is of great cultural significance and sustains the life and well being of the traditional custodians past and present. As representatives of Curtin University we are proud to honour the Nyungar people and value this place of shared learning. We recognise the impacts of colonisation on Indigenous Australians and are committed to moving forward together in a spirit of mutual honour and respect.
The conference calls for abstracts, posters, video presentations concerning the following subthemes:
Evaluating the environmental performance of traditional construction practices to inform sustainable design solutions
Permanence, transformation, contemporaneity: using science and technologies to evaluate future directions in urban environments
Reintegrating building science principles into user-centred architectural design conception
Big data: using predictive analysis and advanced parametric modelling to enhance the spatial experience of architecture and the built environment
Architectural education at the intersection of building science, culture and design
Embodied energy, Life Cycle Assessment and Building performance in service of regenerative design
Beyond building physics: the role of health sciences, social sciences and environmental sciences in shaping design responses.
Become a Sponsor
Benefit packages are available,
contact asaconference2022@curtin.edu.au for details.